Friday, June 17, 2011

Mario and Princess Pillows

A year and two weeks ago some good friends of ours got married. At the time I had a bit of free time on my hands so I wanted to come up with something fun to make them for a gift. They are both Mario fans, to the point where the cake topper at the wedding was Mario and Princess, so I decided to stick with this theme and design a pair of pillows.

I found some small images online and messed around with them until I was happy with the size, layout and breakdown of the colours.

I then took my pattern pieces and traced them onto fusible interfacing.

I had some neat batik fabric that suited the cartoonish style, and I luckily found the remaining colours in a similar pattern at a local fabric store. I then started fusing the interfacing to the back of each piece. 

Here they are all fused together on the background

Next came the painstaking process of  slowly and carefully zigzag stitching all around everything.  

This was by far the most time consuming  and scary part, but it was worth it though, it makes it pop so much more!

They make quite a cute couple, especially with the checkered border.

Here's is Mario complete with piping!

And Peach!

They can look adoringly at each other from opposite ends of the couch. 

Or cuddle up next to each other!

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