Sunday, May 6, 2012

Wood Duck Call

Another one of my March projects was to make a wooden duck call. I got the kit for this a few years ago because it sounded awesome, but was having a hard time finding the weird drill bit size I needed. I happened to find out that we had one at work so borrowed it one weekend to finally be able to turn my duck call!! This was for my Dad as he likes ducks. I don't know if he'll find any or not, but it was fun! 

It is made in two parts that slide together and so I had to fit the parts quite carefully which was a fun and interesting experience. Here is the first part as I was working on it on the lathe. 

And here is the second part. They actually went together quite well. Perhaps beginners luck, but I also tried to go very slow and check often to avoid making it too big. 

Here is is with the duck call parts installed.

And here it is put together.

This is where the funny sound comes out of.

And this is where you blow into it. I sanded it well to avoid splinters!!

A small washer is added in a grove to create the seal for the call.

And here is a very poor demonstration of what it sounds like! 
It sounds alot different than I thought it would. But apparently that is because this kit was for a Wood duck which has a squeakier, whistlier sound than the typical quacking noise. 

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